The inaugural U.S. Book Show is a three-day virtual conference conceived and crafted by Publishers Weekly to serve the bookselling, library, media and book publishing industry.
The most trusted voice in the industry for 150 years, Publishers Weekly offers deep editorial expertise and dedication to excellence. Here you’ll find valuable information about forthcoming titles and serve up one-to-one connections with exhibitors, booksellers, librarians, book media, authors, editors and more.
U.S. Book Show will feature a variety of keynote speakers, editor and author panels, and special timely and topical library and industry programming.
Editors’ Picks panels will feature Fall 2021 (August–December) books, chosen and highlighted by Publishers Weekly’s editors in selected categories. These panels will give attendees an up-close opportunity to hear the “story behind the story” from each book’s editor.
Author panels will bring together some of the brightest and talented writers to discuss their upcoming books in depth with industry expert moderators.
Want to attend or learn more? CLICK HERE.